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Hey There

Welcome to my blog. Coffee and sarcasm served here with a touch of sass and sunshine. Follow me through all of my missteps and mishaps.

Day 6 Tuna Curry** or What to do with tuna other than tuna and peas casserole.

Day 6 Tuna Curry** or What to do with tuna other than tuna and peas casserole.

Day 6 Tuna Curry** or What to do with tuna other than tuna and peas casserole


Hello dears! And so if you have been following along to this point, you know that we now move into the sixth evening meal in Peg Bracken’s I Hate to Cook Book. I knew that this one was going to be... interesting... because frankly I am not a fan of curry. So, right away, I was not sure how this one would work out. But I had Tuna and everything else for it already in the house, and  I didn’t have to run to the store for anything, which was a point in its favor. Besides, Friday is usually “fish night” in our house, and Tuna Curry just fit. Groceries on a budget and finding the ingredients were already on hand just made the decision even easier.


Approaching the kitchen with caution, or maybe procrastination, or a mixture of both, I sulked to work. This was a very easy recipe and in all honesty as I make more of the meals from this book, I am a little more confident. That does not mean I am anymore graceful, however, and I managed to trip myself up a few times! Bearing that in mind, and trying to avoid further mishaps, I tied up my rather long skirt and got down to work. It didn’t start out well, as I managed to stub my toe on a boot that was in the way. On that note, why can’t teens just put their shoes in the closet where they belong? By “they” I mean the shoes, of course, not the teens. Although now that it’s out there on the table, perhaps the teens belong in the closet as well! Except then I would have to chop the onions myself. So, perhaps they hang out in the closet with their dangerous and unpleasant sneakers, until needed for onion-chopping or some similarly unpleasant task, and when finished can be patted on the head and sent back to the closet again… Sigh. On this particular day, I’m likely to not only have to navigate the sneakers, but chop my own onions. Thankfully I have a very old Food Processor (from like the 70’s) that I found at a second-hand store. It is missing the cheese grater blade, but the chopping blade works just fine and until this one stops working I will continue to use it. Sometimes though, I think it is good for kids to unplug from all their electronics and help where they can. Besides, suggesting that my teens chop onions is good enough to remind them that it may be time to go outside and play.


I want to break here and tell you that one of my more pleasant learnings to this point is that so far most of these recipes are really affordable. Now if you are one of those folks that LOVES to cook and are great at tweaking a recipe to meet a specific calorie count in line with your health conscious menu, then please by all means start with this and adjust to your taste. In fact, let me know what you’ve done or any suggestions you have in the comments! I’d love to hear from you, and other readers may also benefit from your wisdom. Especially those of us that hate to cook. It seems to me that those of us who do not like to cook (or lack the talent), do better when one or two recipes are given tweaks and adjustments rather than a whole cookbook. The latter can be overwhelming, especially when planning meals and menus.


I have now rambled on long enough and you are probably wanting to get to the recipe. So, without further ado, here it is:

Tuna Rice Curry**                                                                                                             


  • 2 teaspoons curry powder

  • 2 cups of cream sauce

  • 1 cup cooked rice

  • 3 hard-boiled eggs

  • 1 large can tuna

  • 1 onion

  • 1 tablespoon chopped parsley

  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

  • 2 tablespoons of green onion


Chop the onion, and parsley, mix them with the eggs and cooked rice and tuna. To the cream sauce add in the curry powder. Now add the tuna mixture to a greased casserole dish and bake the mess at 325 for one hour. Now add the chopped green onion and parsley as a garnish, serve with chutney.

My husband loved this one. I should point out that I didn’t have curry powder on hand, and he was nice enough to swing by on his way home from work to grab some for me. It was a nice surprise to find that as much as I thought I did not like curry and would be a bit reluctant to try this one, I found I rather loved it. The kids also enjoyed it, which makes for a good evening. When kids love something and want more you know you hit another success.


I have found that I still am not a lover of cooking but finding things that can be easy with some interesting changes instead of the same meal every week. This is the rut that most of us who hate to cook fall into, same recipes every Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday etc. Having quick successful recipes in our arsenal may give us confidence even if we still hate to cook.

Let me know what you think of this in the comments below. Do you know any ingredients or sides you may add to this? Let me know and let me know if you tried this one.  Please, Leave a comment, rate, share thank you in advance.


Stay Tuned for the next installment of Misadventures in Cooking as we ask ourselves (cue dramatic music) “What happened to the shoe that stubbed our Heroine’s toe” “Will she survive another week?” Answers to these and other questions coming up in “Misadventures in Cooking.”

Please let me know what you think of this? Did you try it? What changes did you come up with? Please comment, rate, share. Until next time have fun and stay Flamboyant my Flamingo friends.


**Bracken, P. (1960). The I hate to cook book. (pg. 18). New York: Harcourt, Brace & World.

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